So Court was Mickey Mouse and Reed was Woody from Toy Story. Reed's first experience tick or treating was at our churches trunk or treat Friday night and it was a riot. He was super excited cause there were lots of people running around. But with everyone dressed up he wasn't so sure if he liked these people anymore. A few times he would stop and stare at the adults dressed all ghoulish. But came time to actually do the trick or treating. The first man went to put some candy in Reed's bucket and Reed flipped out. He did not want anyone messing with his trick or treat bucket. After a few times of flipping out and still getting candy he kind of picked up on the fact that people weren't trying to mess with his bucket. So he started taking the candy from their hands and putting it into his own bucket himself. Then after a few stops later he realized they will put the candy in his bucket for him. Then after a few people more, while they were putting candy in his bucket Reed helped himself to some more candy to put in his bucket.
Reed ended the night playing with Frankenstein aka Braden Dale, in the bed of the Dale's pick up truck
Court was just happy to see people and have people come up to him and oogle over how cute he is. And really can you blame the public for cooing over this little man. He is so adorable.
Taresa and Aunt Kele spent the night chasing Reed and helping him play the games. While Mike was working at Costco. Mom didn't dress up she figured she was already a beautiful queen and anything she wore exudes that. And yes Taresa, you are beautiful.
But Halloween wasn't going to pass by Mike despite his 2 jobs. At Mike's work, University of Phoenix. Mike went dressed up like the Wendy's commercial character. There was a Halloween costume contest I didn't even make the preliminaries. BUT Mike had lots of fun and tons of people said he was their favorite costume. Mike really is Big and Juice!!!! Even Costco liked his costume.
It frightens me, Wendy, that you look so cute
Love your costume!!!
Everyone at my house thinks you should have been the contest winner. Zack said that he wants to be Wendy next year. :)
The boys are adorable as well. If you think about it, the concept of Halloween is quite weird. I don't blame Reed at all.
Happy Halloween everybody.
Beautiful...Halloween is such a fun time...
I am glad I finally figured this blog thing out its great to hear how your family is doing since we don't chat over the phone too much...
Any chance we could get you to move up to Utah? :)
Keep the posts coming its great to read and see your family in photos...
love jason & stephanie, ora & ellis...
You've been TAGGED! So give us all the interesting little details about you! Can't wait.
Check out my blog for details.
Maybe next year you can wear a tuxedo and a strategically placed cravat ....
That's quite a look, Mike. ... .
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