on a grand new adventure, this week is a pinicle week in the life of the Sessions family. I am leaving one of my jobs. I know dun.. dun.. DAAAAA!!!!!!! I'm looking forward to the new adventure. My time at Univeristy of Phoenix has come to a close as I am moving home. lol It is time for me to be a husband, father and me again. We are nervous, mathmatically it's suppose to work out but with faith and prayer and support from others... and a winning lotto ticket, jk. We will be fine and more importantly we will be together to laugh and play and enjoy each other. I'm excited but I think Taresa is even more excited. Wish us luck and that God continues to smile upon us.
As far as an update, with the family. Taresa has to this day changed, shuffle around, blind leading the blind, seen like 6 docoters all coming up with the same conclusion, "something is wrong but we just don't know what it is." And that's all they'll do. So with some inspiration we were refered to out of the blue to another family care doctor that actualy took Taresa's mystery sympotoms as a personal goal. And within 1 appointment he found out that Taresa has fibermyalgia, scary stuff. Fibermyalgia is a chronic pain and fatigue syndrom. So we are on some serious meds and they seem to be helping.
Reed, turned 3 this past October and after and AWESOME pirate birthday party he has now moved out of his pirate phase and back to CARS and WALLE. He is still going to his early intervention and got high marks on his goals. So we are happy!!!!
Court, is 2 now and is pretty much everyone's shadow. He has to copy everyone, repeat their words, action and expresions. He's a total cuddler too. Whenever it's time for bed he has no problem climbing up into your arms and letting you just love on him.
So that's us as of the 13 day of 2009!!!!!!